Increase in Fees as of 1st January 2021

Today Medicare rebates do not cover the full cost of providing you with the medical care that we aim to deliver.  This is because the rate at which successive governments have indexed the Medicare Schedule fees has been substantially lower than increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and average weekly earnings.

The reality for us is that Medicare rebates do not cover the cost of providing you with a high quality and safe medical service.  The fees charged by East Adelaide Healthcare are calculated to cover all of our practice costs including employing receptionists and practice nurses, and meeting our operating expenses such as rent, medical equipment, electricity, computers and insurance.  Our challenge will always be to provide a comprehensive medical service at an affordable cost, but the fact is that it is not possible without increasing our fees.

From 1st January, 2021, our practice will be charging you the following fees for our most common services.  These increases will enable us to continue to provide a high quality and safe medical service.  Please note that we request payment in full on the day.  Discounted fees apply for full payment. 


  • Weekdays:



Pensioner / HCC

Consult Paid in full on day Rebate Gap only payment Paid in full on day Rebate Gap only payment
Level A $44.00 $17.75 $42.00 $34.00 $17.75 $22.00
Level B $84.00 $38.75 $60.00 $56.00 $38.75 $24.00
Level C $140.00 $75.05 $80.00 $104.00 $75.05 $35.00
Level D $197.00 $110.50 $102.00 $141.00 $110.50 $37.00


  • Saturdays / After-hours:



Pensioner / HCC

Consult Paid in full on day Rebate Gap only payment Paid in full on day Rebate Gap only payment
Level A $49.00 $17.75 $47.00 $40.00 $17.75 $28.00
Level B $93.00 $38.75 $69.00 $63.00 $38.75 $31.00
Level C $155.00 $75.05 $95.00 $114.00 $75.05 $45.00
Level D $215.00 $110.50 $120.00 $153.00 $110.50 $49.00


  • Sundays / Public Holidays:



Pensioner / HCC

Consult Paid in full on day Rebate Gap only payment Paid in full on day Rebate Gap only payment
Level A $69.00 $29.90 $54.00 $61.00 $29.90 $37.00
Level B $118.00 $50.55 $83.00 $84.00 $50.55 $40.00
Level C $185.00 $86.60 $113.00 $139.00 $86.60 $59.00
Level D $250.00 $121.45 $144.00 $178.00 $121.45 $63.00

For details about fees for other services, please speak to reception


If you wish to let the Government know that the Medicare rebate is insufficient to assist you in meeting the cost of your medical care with us, please contact your local Member of Parliament.



The East Adelaide Healthcare Team